How to address emergencies – a guide

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Emergencies will often occur with little warning, and this is what creates the need to have preparedness on how to address emergencies. By creating an overview of this subject, it is possible to know what to expect in case of a medical emergency. This will be evident in the way you handle the patient as well as stand strong in the face of major adversity. Below are some of the critical must-know procedures for different medical emergencies:

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–          The knowledge of CPR (cardiac pulmonary resuscitation) to attend to individuals suffering from cardiac arrest). There are two types of CPR techniques, mouth-to-mouth CPR and hands-only CPR.

–          Bleeding especially external bleeding that results from cuts.

–          Handling injuries to the chest area.

–          Attending to burns of various degrees

–          The procedure for rescuing a victim of choking

–          Attending to a victim suffering from heart attack. Angina also falls in this category under the overview of how to address emergencies.

–          How to deal with convulsions

–          How to deal with poisoning

–          First aid for shock

Covering the outlined topics above will go a long way in ensuring that you are adequately prepared for any emergencies that may arise.

What do you do when an emergency occurs?

–          Relax and take a deep breath. Do not panic.

–          Count for 10 seconds and assure yourself that you are well capable of dealing with the situation at hand.

–          Check to see whether there are any hazards. Part of knowing how to address emergencies is to avoid placing yourself in danger. This may include subsequent explosions, fires as well as live electrical wires.

–          Take a critical view of the entire situation. Establish what the most volatile situation is. The reason why this is important is that in many cases, the most obvious issue is not necessarily the gravest issue, and should therefore not be given priority.

–          In light of this, you need to address emergencies that pose serious life-threatening issues. This will include shock and severe bleeding.

–          If you suspect that the victim has suffered a spinal injury, make sure that you ensure their immobility to prevent additional injuries. You need to weigh the situation however, because if this is near imminent danger such as explosions or approaching fire, it is imperative to move the victim. In this case, make sure that their head and upper body stays in a fixed position.

–          Check to see whether the victim has suffered broken bones so that you are able to accord proper care.

–          Is the victim conscious or have they passed out? With the latter, you need to be prepared to administer CPR. This is a life-saving technique that could make the difference between life and death.

As you go about the above activities when the need to address emergencies arises, make sure that you call for medical emergency services to ensure that the victim gets professional medical help. These tips are integral to handling emergencies properly, and could help save lives.

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