First Aid Treatment for Dyshidrosis

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Dyshidrosis is also called pompholyx or dyshidrotic eczema. Dyshidrosis is a rare skin condition which causes small, fluid-filled blisters on the palms and the sides of the fingers. The condition can also affect the soles of the feet.

The blisters caused by the condition may persist for around three weeks and also cause severe itching of the skin. When the blisters caused by dyshidrosis become dry, the skin may begin to appear scaly. Usually the blisters tend to recur. Blisters may occur again even before the skin completely heals from the previous condition.

Treatment for dyshidrosis generally includes the usage of creams or ointments, which should be rubbed on affected regions of the skin. In severe cases, the doctor may recommend the use of corticosteroid screams that should be taken orally.

Here is a short video clip from YouTube where you can learn more about Dry Skin and Eczema Treatment

Signs and symptoms of Dyshidrosis

The blisters caused by dyshidrosis commonly take place on the pals and the sides of the fingers, but sometimes the condition may affect the soles of your feet as well. The blisters normally tend to be very small (almost equal to the width of a pencil lead). The blisters usually occur in clusters and can appear to be like tapioca.

In severe cases however, the cluster of small blisters may join together to make larger blisters. The affected regions of the skin tend to be very painful, uncomfortable and itchy.

When the blisters are dry, they begin to flake off. This occurs within about three week and the skin under the blisters may be tender and red.

The condition may recur regularly for months or even years.

When to seek medical attention if Dyshidrosis persists

See your doctor if the rash on your palms, fingers or feet do not go away without treatment.

Causes of Dyshidrosis

The exact cause of dyshidrosis is still not known. However, experts believe it may be associated with a skin disorder which is somewhat similar, called atopic dermatitis, and allergic conditions like hay fever. The number of episodes of dyshidrosis a person experiences may be seasonal if people have nasal allergies.

First Aid Treatment for Dyshidrosis

The condition normally disappears on its own. To aid the healing process, you may consider following the given home treatment steps:

  • Cool compresses. Apply damp, cool compresses to the affected regions o the skin to reduce itching.
  • Antihistamines. Your doctor may recommend taking antihistamine medications to relieve itching.
  • Witch hazel. Soak the affected regions of the skin in witch hazel to speed up the heeling process.

Medical treatment methods may depend on the severity and symptoms of the condition. Some treatment measures administered by your doctor may include:

  • Corticosteroid creams or ointments. These help the blisters go away quickly. Wrap the treated region with the plastic wrap to improve absorption. You can also apply cool, moist compressions after applying the ointment or cream to increase the absorption of the corticosteroid medication. Your doctor may also prescribe oral corticosteroid pills. However, long-term use of steroids can lead to severe side effects.

Other treatment options include:

  • Phototherapy
  • Immune-suppressing ointments

Botulinum toxin injections

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