Treating Severe Blood Loss
Blood is transported around the body in three core types of blood vessel:
Arteries: Conveys blood under high compression away from the heart.
Veins: Conveys blood under low pressure back to the heart.
Capillaries: Conveys blood to the person’s tissues and cells, small and low pressures.

Protect Yourself From Hypertension
Statistics show that one out of every four Americans suffers from hypertension, and out of this group, just about 50% have control over their conditions. Grim statistics go ahead to show that deaths related to heart attacks in America are as high as 400,000 annually

How To Treat A Snake Bite
Snake bites can be lethal. It’s vital to respond quickly to bites and to call for medical assistance quickly. If in an isolated region, getting the casualty to a medical facility is imperative. North America is home to several different species of venomous snakes.

Emergency First Aid courses are the most popular first aid and CPR classes available in Canada. These courses teach participants the basics about safety, first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Thousands of North Americans die every day from cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease can cause cardiac arrest and other fatal heart conditions in which quick and efficient CPR can drastically improve the chances of survival. Coupled with the use of a automated external defibrillator (AED) and a quick emergency medical system (EMS) response a trained CPR rescuer can increase the chances of survival by over a 1000 times. Participants enrolled in emergency first aid will learn common emergencies, CPR and training in the use of automated external defibrillators To learn effective CPR and up-to-date skills take a first aid and CPR course through a credible provider in Canada.
Emergency First Aid Credible Providers:
Credible providers are providers that offer certificates and programs that meet Health Canada requirements and legislative and workplace standards. Providers that offer emergency first aid and CPR courses that meet these standards include:
- St Mark James Training
- St. Johns Ambulance
- The Lifesaving Society of Canada
- The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Over 100 first aid and CPR providers exist in Canada. However, some providers do not meet Health Canada and other standards which makes the certificate null and void in the workplace. Contact Health Canada prior to registering with any other provider to ensure you will receive credible certification. Providers that offer on-line certification courses do not meet Health Canada standards. Participants are required to receive hands-on training and supplemental reading material. Register here.
Emergency First Aid Course Content:
Participants enrolled in emergency will learn a variety of different first aid and CPR topics. Some of the topics include:
- CPR for adult and child victims.
- Respiratory emergencies for adult and child victims.
- When and how to use a automated external defibrillator.
- Circulatory emergencies management (includes heart attack, angina, T.I.A. and stroke)
- Respiratory emergency management including asthma, hyperventilation and allergic reactions.
Emergency First Aid Certification:
Participants enrolled in emergency courses through a credible provider such as St Mark James will receive a wallet sized certificate that is valid for 3 years. The certificate is valid throughout Canada and is nationally accredited. In some provinces, candidates that have expiring awards may be eligible for a re-certification course that is shorter and cheaper than the full course. Certificates are issued upon completion of the emergency first aid course. Click here for more information.
CPR Certification and Level’s:
Candidates enrolled in the course will receive certification and training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Candidates typically have the option of selecting from 3 different CPR level’s. Emergency first aid comes standard with CPR level “A” which includes CPR training for adult and child victims. Candidates may be able to opt for other level’s of CPR such as CPR level “C” which includes CPR training for adult, child and infant victims. The highest level of CPR option that candidates may be partnered with emergency first aid is CPR for health care providers (CPR “HCP”) which encompasses all of the material from CPR level “C” and additional training with more advanced equipment and trained backup.
Learn More About Basic Emergency First Aid Training Here
Participants that enrol in these courses will learn about recognizing and managing several emergencies including respiratory emergencies such as choking.