Emergency first aid training is offered through hundreds of providers and even more training partners throughout Canada. Finding the right provider and the right training partner with that provider can be a long and difficult process. To make the process easier we have partnered with the most credible, legitimate, and lowest priced providers throughout Canada. These providers offer emergency first aid training several times a week at varying schedules. All courses provide candidates with the option of partnering with either CPR level “A” or “C” as the CPR portion of the course. All emergency first aid courses offered through our training partners include usage and training in the use of automated external defibrillators (AED). Our emergency first aid training partners are found throughout Canada in Vancouver, Ottawa, Kelowna, Surrey, Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg. For more information or to enrol into a first aid and / or CPR in your city select your city or municipality from above or from the selection below.
Nova Scotia Emergency First Aid Training Locations
Ontario Emergency Training Locations
Manitoba Training Locations
Saskatchewan Training Locations
Training Locations in Alberta
Training Locations in British Columbia
We are constantly adding new emergency first aid course providers throughout Canada so check back regularly if your City is not posted above or in the menu. This page displays the selection criteria for our training partners and why we have selected them to partner with.
Emergency First Aid Training All of our training providers are the leaders in
- Clean and well-maintained training centres
- Safe, friendly and welcoming environment
- Exceptional and positive customer reviews and testimonials
- The lowest / most competitive prices in the region
- Friendly customer service representatives
- Simple and straight-forward registration methods
- Frequent class dates and times. Emergency first aid courses offered at least twice per week
- Frequent re-certification course dates and times
- Several training centres with easy transportation access
All of the above mentioned factors were taken into consideration prior to partnering with the emergency first aid training providers. All of the providers scored the highest scores in these criteria and are partnered with this site. For more information about the provider(s) in your area or to register for a course select your location from either the main or side menu or from the list posted above.